Havenstraat Journal
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The Split Brain - Are There 2 You's?

By Maxim Telegin

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Perception - Do You See What I See?

By Edward Shine

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The History of Salt

By Marcel Górlikowski

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The End of Russia's Opposition

By Debora Lazarev

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Discovering the Camino de Santiago

By Nicolás Carrero Rivas

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Can Aviation Really Be Sustainable?

By Adi Gulemetov

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The Impact of EU Elections on Ukraine

By Lara Waatjes

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How To Pull Diamonds Out Of Thin Air

By Leia Gilceava

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Claudia Sheinbaum: Opening a New Chapter in Mexican Politic

By Debora Lazarev

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Nayib Bukele's Crackdown on Violence

By Noah Tanis

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Free Will: Mirage or Reality?

By Vincent Lee

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Is Pollution the Only Impact of Formula 1 on the World?

By Nicolás Carrero Rivas

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Is the USA a puppet of foreign social media?

By Lara Waatjes

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Latvia: An Economy Owned by its Enemies

By Julius Conte

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Why Football is More than Just a Game

By Isa van Os

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Javier Milei's Approach to Inflation

By Aron Szabo

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Julian Assange: Hero or Traitor?

By Hans Insinger

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Middle-Eastern Geopolitics

By Laila Fayez

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Historical Tensions Between Hindus and Muslims

By Reeti Vaish

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Nostalgia: Past, Present and Future

By Vincent Lee

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The Beat Generation

By Rosa Foggon

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The Existence of God

By Maxim Telegin

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The Psychology of Exam Stress

By Helena van der Velden

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The Stanford Prison Experiment

By Rose Ferrand

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The World Economic Forum: An Intern's Perspective

By Maks Burmistenko

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Where did Doggerland Go?

By Marcel Górlikowski

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By Debora Lazarev

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Coco Chanel: A Revolution in Fashion

By Carlota Garcia

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The Ethical Implications of Genome Editing

By Irena McNaughton

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Big Pharma: Balancing Profit and Public Health

By Leia Gilceava

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British Colonialism and Nigeria’s Indigenous People

By Aaminah Aamer

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The Chicago Tylenol Murders

By Noah Tanis

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Mangrove Extinction: Climate Crisis

By Julius Conte

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Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg

By Isabelle Dijkhorst

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The Political Power of Pop Culture

By Carlota Garcia

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The Child Benefits Scandal

By Debora Lazarev

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Why is Turkiye Keeping the NATO Doors Closed for Sweden?

By Lara Waatjes

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Virtue & Stoicism

By Lara Waatjes

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Collapse of Empires and Civilisation in the Bronze Age

By Noah Tanis

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Around the World in 1490 Days

By Nicolás Carrero Rivas

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East vs. West: A History of Thinking

By Rosa Foggon

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By Vincent Lee

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Should Assisted Dying be Legalised in the UK?

By Aaminah Aamer

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Game Theory and Mathematical Gambling

By Maks Burmistenko

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Chaos in the Middle East

By Aron Szabo